Golden Grain

Whisky Jack Cache

Wood-Fired Organic Sourdough


Whisky Jack Cache is pleased to present fine quality bread made from organic ingredients.

We offer a full range of sourdough loaves, from 90% white through to 100% whole grain.  All our bread is vegan with no added sugar or yeast.

Where To Buy

Wood Fired

Stone Ground

Our whole grain comes from Fieldstone Organics in Armstrong BC. We mill it in-house, fresh each batch.

We use Rogers Organic for our white flour, also from Armstrong. Some breads include organic seeds, herbs, or potatoes, but water and salt are the only other ingredients.

We use only Red Fife for our hard red wheat, a Canadian heritage grain with more flavour and less gluten than modern varieties.

Product Descriptions

Whole Grains
Milled In-House

No Added Yeast

Saccharomyces cerevisiae is a wonderful yeast when brewing beer.  When introduced to dough in the form of commercial packaged yeast, however, it will strip the flavour and much of the micro-nutrients out of bread.

We use only naturally-derived sourdough for our bread.  We maintain three different strains, each fed a different grain, and each sustaining a different symbiotic balance of yeast and bacteria.

Clean, Simple,
True To Style